This study highlights the need for detailed profiling of the

This study highlights the need for detailed profiling of the

huge uncultured component of the rumen bacterial community in order to understand their role in the degradation of feed in the rumen. The authors acknowledge Prof. R.I. Mackie for his helpful suggestions and proofreading of the manuscript. “
“The genome sequence of a Sphingobium strain capable of tolerating high concentrations of Ni ions, and exhibiting natural kanamycin resistance, is presented. The presence of a transposon derived kanamycin resistance gene and several genes for efflux-mediated Selleckchem ABT-737 metal resistance may explain the observed characteristics of the new Sphingobium isolate. “
“Toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems are small genetic elements found on plasmids or chromosomes of countless

bacteria, archaea, and possibly also unicellular fungi. Under normal growth conditions, the activity of the toxin protein or its translation is counteracted by an antitoxin protein or noncoding RNA. Five types of TA systems have been proposed that differ markedly in their genetic architectures and modes of activity control. Subtle regulatory properties, frequently responsive to environmental cues, impact selleck chemical the behavior of TA systems. Typically, stress conditions result in the degradation or depletion of the antitoxin. Unleashed toxin proteins impede or alter cellular processes including translation, DNA replication, or ATP or cell wall synthesis. TA Fossariinae toxin activity can

then result in cell death or in the formation of drug-tolerant persister cells. The versatile properties of TA systems have also been exploited in biotechnology and may aid in combating infectious diseases. “
“Horizontal gene transfer plays an important role in bacterial evolution. DNA acquired by horizontal gene transfer has to be incorporated into existing regulatory networks. The histone-like nucleoid structuring protein H-NS acts as a silencer of horizontally acquired genes to avoid potential damage. However, specific regulators can overcome H-NS repression, resulting in the integration of newly acquired genes into existing regulatory networks. Here, we analyzed the influence of H-NS on the transcription of the Yersinia enterocolitica hreP gene and its regulators pypA, pypB, and pypC by establishing a dominant-negative H-NS version. Using transcriptional fusions and electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we show that H-NS silences hreP, pypA, pypB, and pypC by direct interactions. While the H-NS antagonist RovA activates pypC, it has no effect on pypA and pypB. Furthermore, H-NS affects biofilm formation in Y. enterocolitica. “
“In Pseudomonas putida, as in many other eubacteria, cyclopropane fatty acids (CFAs) accumulate in the membrane during the stationary phase of growth. Here, we show that cfaB gene expression in P. putida KT2440 is dependent on the RpoS sigma factor that recognizes the sequence 5′-CTACTCT-3′ between −8 and −14.

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