This study was reviewed and approved by the ethics committee of t

This study was reviewed and approved by the ethics committee of the National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC, according

to the medical research regulations of the National Health and Family Planning Commission of People’s Republic of China (permit number 2011-10-4). Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants from the National Basic Research Program of China (2011CB504901), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81290340 and 81290345), the China Mega-Project for Infectious Disease (2013ZX10004-001 and 2012ZX10004-215), and the State Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control (2012SKLID305). We appreciate Dr. Flemming Scheutz for helping us in FHPI Mocetinostat manufacturer stx subtyping and Dr. Mark Achtman for the support of MLST submission. Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Table S1: Antibiotic resistances of swine STEC isolates. (DOCX 163 KB) References 1. Nataro JP, Kaper JB: Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli . Clin Microbiol Rev 1998,11(1):142–201.PubMedCentralPubMed 2. Griffin PM, Tauxe RV: The epidemiology of infections caused by Escherichia coli O157:H7, other enterohemorrhagic E. coli, and the associated hemolytic uremic syndrome. Epidemiol Rev 1991, 13:60–98.PubMed 3. Bettelheim KA: The non-O157 shiga-toxigenic (verocytotoxigenic) Escherichia coli ; under-rated

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