To test this possibility, we assessed the ability of SnoN1 RNAi to reverse the SnoN2 RNAi-induced branching phenotype in neurons. Simultaneous expression of SnoN1 shRNAs and SnoN2 shRNAs induced knockdown of both SnoN1 and SnoN2 isoforms in neurons (Figure 1I). SnoN1 knockdown in the background of SnoN2 RNAi restored both the percentage of branched neurons and the number of axon branches per neuron to baseline levels (Figures 1J and 1K and Figure S1C) suggesting that SnoN1 RNAi suppresses the CP-868596 SnoN2 RNAi-induced branching phenotype. Although the combined knockdown
of SnoN1 and SnoN2 also reduced axon length (Figures S1C and S1D), suppression of axon branching occurred at a faster pace than the reduction of axon length (see right panel in Figure 1K and Figure S1D). In addition, branching was suppressed in the subpopulation of SnoN1, SnoN2 double knockdown neurons that harbor short axons as effectively as in those with long axons (Figure S1G). These data suggest that the ability of SnoN1 RNAi to suppress SnoN2
RNAi-induced axon branching is not due to the reduction in axon length. SnoN2 knockdown but not SnoN1 knockdown also stimulated branching of dendrites without changing dendrite length (Figures S1J–S1L) and SnoN1 RNAi suppressed the SnoN2 RNAi-induced dendrite-branching phenotype without reducing dendrite length (Figures S1M and S1N). These data further support the conclusion that CSF-1R inhibitor SnoN1 RNAi suppresses SnoN2
knockdown-induced neuronal branching independently of reducing process length. Collectively, our findings suggest that SnoN1 and SnoN2 exert opposing effects on neuronal branching. Growing evidence suggests that impaired neuronal migration in vivo is often associated with increased branching in primary neurons (Bielas et al., 2007, Guerrier et al., 2009, Kappeler et al., 2006 and Nagano et al., 2004). We therefore explored whether SnoN1 and SnoN2 might have isoform-specific functions in the control of granule neuron migration and positioning in the cerebellar cortex. We used an in vivo electroporation method in postnatal rat pups to characterize neuronal migration and positioning within second the developing rat cerebellar cortex (Konishi et al., 2004). Because the electroporation procedure targets cells in the EGL (data not shown), all transfected neurons are granule neurons. We injected rat pups at postnatal day 3 (P3) with a plasmid encoding the U6 promoter and cmv-driven green fluorescent protein (U6-cmvGFP) and returned pups to moms (Figure 2A). Animals were then sacrificed 3, 5, or 7 days after electroporation and coronal sections of the cerebellar cortex were subjected to immunohistochemistry with the GFP antibody.