Ventilation was recorded every 15 s via a turbine ventilometer (V

Ventilation was recorded every 15 s via a turbine ventilometer (Vacumed Universal Ventilation Meter, 17125, Ventura, CA), calibrated before, and verified after exercise using a 1 L syringe in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Peak oxygen consumption was determined selleck compound by summing the four highest consecutive 15 s VO2 values. Exercise trials Running training All running sessions were conducted outdoors on a marked ~600 m track, consisting of grass (300 m) and bitumen road (300 m) surface. Participants were provided with a Global Positioning System (GPS) enabled watch (Garmin

Forerunner 110, Garmin International Inc, Kansas, USA) to assist in pace-maintenance, and strictly adhered to the stipulated velocity

for each session based on their predetermined vVO2peak (see Table 1) attained during the GXT (mean vVO2peak: 15.0 ± 0.3 km.h−1, see Figure 1 for a comprehensive breakdown of each running session). These sessions were performed under comfortable environmental conditions (Dry Globe temperature: 27.0 ± 0.8°C, Relative Humidity: 58 ± 3%, Wind Ilomastat order Speed 4.9 ± 0.8 km.h−1). Table 1 Mean (±SEM) heart rate (HR) expressed as a percentage of the maximum HR (%HR max ) attained during each respective graded exercise test, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and the prescribed intensity for each exercise trial during the running (RTB) and cycling (CTB) training blocks   Day 1 Day 2 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6   RTB CTB RTB CTB RTB CTB RTB CTB RTB CTB %HR max 84 84 89 89 86 85 89 89 78 78 (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) RPE 12a 14 13a 15 12a 14 14a 16 11a 12

(1) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) Prescribed exercise intensity (kph or watts) 9.8 198 12.0 243 9.0/12.0+ 182/243+ 12.8 258 9.0 182 (0.2) (7) (0.3) (8) (0.2/0.3) (6/8) (0.3) (9) (0.2) (6) aSignificantly different to CTB on the corresponding day. +(recovery/effort speed or power). Cycling training selleck products All cycling sessions were performed in a laboratory (Dry Bulb Temperature: 25.1 ± 0.1°C, Relative Humidity: 52 ± 0%) on a calibrated wind-braked ergometer (Evolution Pty. Ltd., Melbourne, Australia), using customised data collection software (Cyclemax, School of Sport Science, Exercise & Health, The University of Western Australia). This software program provided instantaneous and mean power feedback, which enabled participants to perform the training sessions based on their pVO2peak (Table 1) attained during the GXT (mean pVO2peak: 304 ± 10 W, see Figure 1 for a comprehensive breakdown of each cycle session). Heart rate, ratings of perceived exertion Heart rate and RPE were collected at 5 min intervals (when the exercise task was of a continuous nature; D1, D4 and D6) or at the end of each interval effort (for days where interval training was performed; D2 and D5) during the training sessions for RTB and CTB.

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