We conducted a systematic literature search with a predetermined

We conducted a systematic literature search with a predetermined protocol that was in accordance with the Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE),21 which studied the quality of reporting.21 We searched MEDLINE (1950 to June 2010) and Embase (1980 to June 2010) for studies

investigating the incidence of PSC. The search strategy is outlined in detail in Appendix I. The search was not limited by language or to human subjects. The reference lists selleck products of relevant articles were also reviewed. Two reviewers (N.A.M. and H.K.) identified articles eligible for further review by performing an initial screening of identified abstracts and titles. Abstracts were eliminated if they were not observational and did not investigate the epidemiology of PSC. Studies that did not report original data (e.g., review articles) were also excluded. The full text of the remaining articles was retrieved and systematically reviewed according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Articles were included if they reported an incidence rate (IR) of PSC or enough information to calculate the IR. Disagreements between reviewers were resolved by consensus with third-party experts (R.P.M. and G.G.K.). Two reviewers independently CHIR-99021 supplier extracted data for each study. The variable of interest was the incidence of PSC. The IR per 100,000 person-years with 95% confidence intervals (CIs)

was documented for the overall study period and for individual years when they were reported. Secondary variables extracted from the articles included the following: the method of case ascertainment (i.e., a patient registry or administrative database), the country of origin, the study time period, the median age and range, the male/female incidence

rate ratio (IRR), the incidence of small-duct and large-duct PSC, the percentage of PSC cases with IBD, and information on key indicators of study quality from MOOSE.21 The incidence of PSC was summarized with an IR, which was defined as the number of cases in a population per 100,000 person-years at risk in the population. IRs adjusted Rebamipide for confounding factors were selected over unadjusted IRs. The standard errors (SEs) and 95% CIs for the IRs were estimated under the assumption of a Poisson distribution. The ratio of males to females was summarized with an IRR, which was defined as the IR of PSC in males over the IR of PSC in females. When the IRR was not reported but the number of male and female incident PSC cases and the total study population were included, the IRR was calculated under the assumption that the background population was 50% male. Heterogeneity was assessed with the Q statistic (5% level), and meta-analyses were performed with random-effects models because of the presence of heterogeneity between studies. Stratified analyses and meta-regression were performed according to the methods of case ascertainment (i.e.

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