We explain these results as arising from a transition from a pred

We explain these results as arising from a transition from a predominantly single domain like switching to switching involving a vortex state. Micromagnetic simulations corroborate this picture, indicating that a single magnetic vortex nucleates in between the nanocontacts through the influence from the total Oersted field generated by the nanocontact ensemble. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3556960]“

pot experiment was carried out under glasshouse conditions with common sage (Salvia officinalis L.) to investigate the interactive effects of salt stress and kinetin on growth attributes and the abundance of pigments, ions, phenolic diterpenes and alpha-tocopherol in leaf extracts of this species. The plants find more were subjected to the following four treatments: (i) control (nutrient solution), (ii) control + 10 mu M kinetin, (iii) salt stress (nutrient solution + 100 mM NaCl), and (iv) salt stress + 10 mu M kinetin. Kinetin was applied as a foliar fertilizer. Salt stress reduced water contents,

photosynthetic activity and pigment contents of sage leaves. In addition, it increased Na+ contents, and reduced those of Ca2+ and K+ in leaves. Salt stress reduced carnosic acid and 12-O-methyl carnosic acid contents in leaves, while it did not affect carnosol and alpha-tocopherol contents. Foliar applications ABT-737 molecular weight of kinetin seemed to counterbalance or alleviate the stress symptoms induced by salinity, improving ion and pigment contents, while leaf phenolic diterpene (mainly carnosol) and alpha-tocopherol contents also increased in both control and NaCl-treated plants; still this effect was much more obvious in salt-treated plants. A similar effect was also obtained when plants were sprayed with KNO3 or Ca(NO3)(2), thus suggesting that kinetin effects were at least partly due to an improvement of ion homeostasis. Kinetin applications resulted in increased transcript levels of the isoprenoid and tocopherol biosynthetic genes, DXPRI and VTE2 and VTE4 in control plants, but not in NaCl-treated plants. We conclude that

kinetin can alleviate the negative impact of salt on sage plants cultivated Apoptosis Compound Library price under arid environments with salinity problems. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.”
“The structural and magnetic properties of the CoNb2O6 compound have been investigated with a particular interest in their low-dimensional magnetic behavior which is characterized by the presence of weakly interacting ferromagnetic chains. We investigate this cobalt niobate by combining magnetic measurements; x-ray and neutron diffraction (ND). The ND was carried out on powder samples at different temperatures above (20 K) and below the ordering temperature (2.4, 1.8, and 1.4 K). The compound exhibits an orthorhombic crystal structure of Pbcn symmetry, typical of a columbite structure. Magnetic ordering at 2.5 K is found with the propagation vector (0, 0.

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