We used the total assembled transcripts including isoforms for fu

We used the total assembled transcripts including isoforms for further analysis, because it was difficult to select the optimal representative nr dataset among various isoforms without a P. ginseng reference sequence. For further validation and annotation of assembled transcripts, sequence similarity searches were conducted against the TAIR and Uniprot (SwissProt and TrEMBL) protein databases using the BLASTX algorithm. The

significant hits were identified based on an E-value threshold of 10−5. Impressively, the results indicated that more than 90% CP and CS transcripts showed significant similarity to proteins see more in the TAIR database. In addition, approximately 70% of CP and CS transcripts had significant matches among Uniprot proteins ( Table 1). We also compared the CP and CS transcripts against the NCBI nr protein database using BLASTX, finding that a total of 33,718 (94%) CP transcripts and 26,513 (95%) CS transcripts had significant hits. To classify the predicted functions of the transcripts, GO terms were assigned to CP and CS transcripts using Blast2GO, based on their

similarity to the nr database. A total of 26,423 (74.37%) CP transcripts were assigned to GO classes. Of those, assignments to the cellular component class ranked the highest (22,706; 63.91%), followed LBH589 research buy by biological process (22,215; 62.53%) and molecular function (21,560, 60.68%). In CS, a total of 21,096 (76.11%) transcripts were assigned at least one GO term, and among them, 17,512 (63.18%), 17,249 (62.23%), and 18,178 (65.58%) were assigned at least one GO term in the biological process, molecular function, and cellular component category, respectively. Binding was the most abundant

GO Slim within the molecular function category (Fig. 2A). Reproductive development, cellular process, and stress response were most abundant among various biological processes (Fig. 2B). Intracellular membrane-bound organelle and membrane were the most highly represented GO terms in the cellular Histamine H2 receptor component category (Fig. 2C). We mapped all the CP and CS reads onto their respective assembled transcripts in order to determine the RPKM. For the CP transcripts, the RPKM ranged from 0.16 to 4609, with an average of 15.93, and the RPKM for CS ranged from 0.22 to 4118, with an average of 19.90. This indicates that both CP and CS transcripts showed a wide range of expression levels (from very low to strong expression). However, over 97% of transcripts were in the RPKM range less than 100 (Fig. 3A), of which 1,244 (3.5%) and 585 (2.1%) had RPKM values below 1.0 for CP and CS, respectively. We compared the expression patterns of the transcripts in CP and CS cultivars based on the differences in RPKM value for each transcript in the cultivar datasets. As evident in Fig.

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