Hypersensitivity is a poorly understood phenomenon thought to res

Hypersensitivity is a poorly understood phenomenon thought to result from opioid-induced neuroplastic changes

in the peripheral and central nervous systems that lead to sensitization of pronociceptive pathways [1,9]. Little data exist to support the long-term efficacy of opioids or to describe the relation between opioid dose and the length of exposure among chronic opioid users [10]. Although randomized controlled trials have evaluated opioids for the treatment of chronic pain, most of these trials have limited follow-up periods (around 16 weeks) [3-5] and in the trials with longer follow-up periods, the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical lack of generalizability of the findings has been identified as a serious shortcoming [4]. Claims databases provide an opportunity to close this gap in knowledge. These databases are a collection of health insurance claims that are maintained largely for billing and administrative purposes. Nevertheless, they permit the evaluation of not Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical only a diverse

population, but also a large number of subjects followed over a relatively long Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical period of time in a real-world setting [11]. Health care databases have been used extensively for pharmacoepidemiologic research in many therapeutic areas including pain [12-14] to describe health care utilization, patterns of care, disease prevalence, drug and disease outcomes, and cost of care. There are, however, limitations to the use of health care databases for pharmacoepidemiologic research: they are observational, which limits inferences Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical about treatment efficacy relative to studies that include random allocation to treatment [11]; they may not include information on Buparlisib datasheet important confounding factors (eg, smoking), and they may include diagnoses that are provisional or whose selection may be Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical affected by reimbursement policies. The advantages to the use of these databases

are the availability of systematic and accurate information on prescribed medications [11], their ability to follow patients for from many years, and the fact that they reflect clinical practice in a population that is not subject to the same selection biases as might apply to those who volunteered for inclusion in a study. In fact, health care databases often are used to explain differences in findings between trial data and clinical practice [15]. We sought to characterize the dose of opioids in both cancer and noncancer patients intermittently and chronically exposed to opioids using PharMetrics Patient-Centric database. PharMetrics is the largest health care claims database in the United States and is representative of the commercially insured population.

Capitalizing on a cardiovascular research study bank in Sweden, t

Capitalizing on a cardiovascular research study bank in Sweden, the researchers evaluated men aged 33 to 50 years with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) measured in archived plasma. A nested case-control design was employed, with three controls for each prostate cancer death. A single PSA reading at age 44 to 50 years was strongly predictive of prostate cancer death at a median follow-up of 27 years. Forty-four percent of deaths occurred in men at the 10th percentile of serum PSA level

(1.5 ng/mL). This is an important Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical study and is giving support to the notion of stratifying men for interval early GDC-0449 detection testing based on initial PSA results. The importance of nadir PSA during androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) was investigated by Keto and colleagues.2 Men who were treated with ADT for biochemical recurrence from the SEARCH data base were studied (322 patients).

PSA nadir, the lowest level obtained during followup, was analyzed. During a median follow-up of 51 months, the nadir level correlated with castrationresistant prostate cancer Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (CRPC), development of metastases, and prostate cancer-specific mortality. Relative to men with undetectable Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical nadir, a PSA>0.2 ng/mL identified the greatest risk of progression. Although we often do not recognize it as an important marker, testosterone (T) in the setting of ADT truly is. Numerous studies have Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical demonstrated better outcomes in men with lower and longer nadir T level compared with others on ADT. Pickles and Tyldesley3 studied T levels exceeding castration thresholds of 20, 32, and 50 ng/dL; 2290 men on continuous luteinizing

hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) therapy were assessed. The risk of breakthrough T was 26.8%, 6.6%, and 3.3%, respectively, per patient course of ADT. Predisposing factors included younger age and higher body mass index (BMI), but not baseline T. Crawford and associates4 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical looked at baseline T levels in men on continuous ADT from two large clinical trials; 1669 men were evaluated. There were 1159 men from a trial of fracture prevention with toremifene citrate, 80 mg (any indication for ADT), and 510 men from a trial of sipuleucel-T (metastatic CRPC). Both trials required serum T < 50 ng/mL at baseline; 18.3% had T > 20 ng/dL. BMI correlated with men with higher T levels, although this did not persist in the subset of men who underwent orchiectomy. Neither patient age nor duration Adenosine of ADT predicted men who had serum T > 20 ng/dL. With the increasing evidence that the historically established definition of castration (T < 50 ng/dL) may not be adequate in all men, these two presentations demonstrate that increasing use of serum T determination in men on ADT is warranted. van der Sluis and colleagues5 addressed the issue of what the true castrate level of T is in men following LHRH therapy or surgical castration.

“Summary of: Wisloff U et al (2007) Superior cardiovascula

“Summary of: Wisloff U et al (2007) Superior cardiovascular effect of Modulators aerobic interval training versus moderate continuous training in heart failure patients: a randomized study. Circulation 115: 3086–3094. [Prepared by Kylie Hill, CAP Editor.] Question: Is aerobic interval training (AIT) more effective than moderate continuous training

(MCT) at enhancing aerobic fitness and myocardial remodelling in patients with stable heart failure? Design: Randomised controlled trial in which participants were allocated to AIT, MCT, or a control group. Setting: Hospital in Trondheim, Norway. Participants: Adults with stable heart failure post myocardial infarction Selleckchem CT99021 with left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) < 40% on optimal medical management. Exclusion criteria comprised: unstable angina pectoris, uncompensated heart failure, myocardial infarction within four weeks, complex ventricular arrhythmias, no use of Đ-blockers and ACE inhibitors or, any other limitation to exercise. Randomisation of 27 patients allocated nine to each group. Interventions:

The AIT and MCT groups completed two supervised exercise training sessions and one home training session each week for 12 weeks. Those in AIT completed uphill treadmill walking that comprised a warm-up and cool down interspersed with 4 × 4 minute exercise intervals completed at 90–95% of peak heart rate. Intervals were separated by three minutes of walking at 50–70% of http://www.selleckchem.com/products/lee011.html peak heart rate (total exercise time = 38 minutes). The MCT participants walked continuously for 47 minutes at 70–75% of peak heart rate. Weekly home

training comprised outdoor hill walking. The control group completed 47 minutes of supervised treadmill walking at 70% of peak heart rate once every three weeks. Outcome measures: The primary outcomes related to exercise capacity (eg, peak rate of oxygen uptake; VO2peak); secondary outcomes comprised measures of echocardiography and endothelial function. Results: Outcomes were available from 26 participants. The VO2peak achieved on completion of training was greater in the AIT group compared with Parvulin the MCT group (mean difference 4.1; 95% CI 2.4 to 5.8 ml/kg/min) and the control group (5.8, 95% CI 3.8 to 7.8 ml/kg/min). Compared with the other groups, AIT also conferred greater gains in measures of systolic and diastolic function and endothelial function. Conclusion: In adults with stable heart failure, AIT conferred greater gains than MCT in improving aerobic capacity and measures reflecting left ventricular and endothelial function. [Mean difference and 95% CIs calculated by the CAP Editor] A key objective of clinical exercise prescription is optimising physiological adaptations without placing the patient at risk of exercise-induced events.

Histology and immunohistochemical analysis of frontal cortex sam

Histology and immunohistochemical analysis of frontal cortex samples of the brain of a patient who died of noncerebral causes (upper row) and a patient

suffering from Creutzfeldt-Jakob … Despite the amount of information that has been accrued, all of these studies suffer from the fundamental problem that it is not clear whether the phenomenon observed in conjunction with exposure of cells to this small amyloidogenic peptide Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical bear much relevance to what is happening in vivo during the course of prion replication – a process that may arguably be very different. Moreover, some of the published data have recently been challenged.49 In order to ask the simple question of whether cerebral accumulation of PrPSc in the extracellular space suffices to damage nerve cells, we have undertaken fetal neuroectodermal transplantation experiments.50 Histological analysis of PrP-deficient mice that had been grafted with brain cells derived from transgenic mice overexpressing PrPC

and subsequently Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical infected with prions indicated that pathology is confined to the regions of the brain that express PrPC. In the surrounding PrPCdeficient brain, no pathological changes could be detected even though substantial accumulations of pathological PrPSc occurred.50 While the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical PD98059 in vivo interpretation of this experiment is liable to certain caveats (most notably the possibility that a threshold concentration of PrPSc is needed for induction of neurodegeneration and is not attained outside the grafted tissue), it is difficult to avoid the

conclusion Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that the neuronal cytotoxicity of PrPSc is dependent on the expression of cellular PrPC by target cells. Why should that be? Perhaps PrPC acts as a receptor for PrPSc. However, it has never been possible to demonstrate an affinity between these two moieties. Alternatively, the conversion process of PrPC into PrPSc itself, rather than exposure to the disease-associated prion protein, may constitute the primary deleterious event. The latter possibility has been thoroughly Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical investigated in a series of elegant papers 4-Aminobutyrate aminotransferase by Lingappa and coworkers. These authors have identified an atypical form of PrPC that undergoes a peculiar biogenesis (Figure 4).51-54 Most cellular PrPC is secreted into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by virtue of its secretory signal peptide, where it is routed to the cell surface as a glycophosphoinositol-linked membrane-associated protein. However, a small proportion of PrPC remains stuck in the ER membrane as a transmembrane protein. Depending on their orientation, Lingappa and coworkers have termed these proteins CtmPrP and NtmPrP (for carboxy- and amino-terminal transmembrane, respectively).55,56 By quantifying the production of CtmPrP in pathological conditions, they found that it correlates very well with the neurodegenerative changes – in fact much better than the accumulation of PrPSc itself.

The aim of this paper was to address the entire range of morbidit

The aim of this paper was to address the entire range of morbidities as early in the INK 128 manufacturer course of the disease as is possible with the current data. The data were based on PD diagnoses from the Danish National Patient Registry (NPR). Methods Subject selection All patient hospital contacts in Denmark are recorded in the NPR by type and date of contact. The NPR includes administrative

information, primary and secondary diagnoses, diagnostic procedures, and treatment procedures using the International Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) and their date. Specific clinical information, such as the UPDRS score and imaging results, is not present in the NPR. The NPR contains diagnoses from private Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and public hospitals, but does not record diagnoses from general practice. Using the NPR, we identified all patients at least 20 years of age who were diagnosed with PD between 1997 and 2007. For

the PD diagnoses, we used the code G20.9. The code G20 is not accepted in the NPR, so all PD patients are registered as G20.9 (Paralysis agitans). Hospital doctors report the NPR at the time of diagnosis. Then, using data from Denmark’s Civil Registration System Statistics, we randomly selected citizens of the same age, gender, and marital status as the patients who did not have PD. Parity Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of socioeconomic status (SES) was ensured by selecting control subjects from the same part of the country as where the patient lived. The ratio of control subjects to

patients was 4:1. Data from patients and matched control subjects who could not be identified in the Coherent Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Social Statistics database were excluded from the sample. More than 99% of the observations in the two groups were successfully matched. Morbidity data from the patients and matched control subjects were gathered from their year of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical diagnosis until 2007. Data analysis Data were analyzed by developing a conditional logit model, where the dependent variable was the case–control group and the explanatory variables were dummies for the 21 major ICD10 diagnosis groups, omitting the group with no diagnosis 3 years before diagnosis. A second analysis included dummies for ICD10 diagnosis that occurred in more than 1% of either the case or control group. ICD10 diagnoses accounting for 1% or fewer of the total diagnoses were included in the main diagnosis groups. Only estimates for the ICD10 diagnoses are reported in the results, but the dummies for Linifanib (ABT-869) the main groups (including the remaining diagnoses) were included in the regression. Patients could be classified in more than one diagnostic group or with an ICD10 diagnosis during the 3 years before the diagnosis. Not all patients had a 3-year observation period before the registered diagnosis; for the first 3 years of the period, the patient only had data for 1 or 2 years, but as this was also the case for the control group, we have included these shorter periods in the analysis.

13) Although we think that this patient should be diagnosed as AC

13) Although we think that this patient should be diagnosed as ACS according to current diagnostic criteria, which includes absence of obstructive coronary

artery disease or angiographic evidence of acute plaque rupture, regional cardiac function seemed to indicate atypical SICM on initial presentation. There’s also possibility of although PCI was performed Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical on LAD according to coronary angiography and IVUS findings, RCA was also involved such as coronary spasm or intracoronary thrombus, which were resolved spontaneously later Finally, although typical history and echocardiogram may suggest SICM, this case demonstrates that cautious evaluation using coronary angiography, IVUS, serial echocardiogram and SB203580 laboratory workup is Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical essential to rule out ACS at the time of diagnosis.13)

Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is characterized by the coexistence of digital clubbing and periosteal proliferation of the tubular bones. Pachydermoperiostosis or primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is clinically similar to acromegaly and is manifested by finger clubbing, hypertrophic skin changes and periosteal bone formation. Pachydermoperiostosis is a rare genodermatosis and occurs predominantly in men, who usually show a more severe phenotype. Three forms of pachydermoperiostosis are Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical described: complete, incomplete and fruste form. The major diagnostic criteria include digital clubbing, periostosis and pachydermia.1) There

is no previous report documenting pachydermoperiostosis accompanied by heart failure. Here we report the case of the complete form of pachydermoperiostosis,

who accompanied by heart failure. Case A 34-year-old male presented with complaints of exertional dyspnea since 5 days ago. He Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical presented with 3 years history of hypertension. There was not any specific past medical history. On arrival in the emergency department, he had a pulse rate of 100 beats per minutes, blood pressure of 150/100 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical mmHg and respiration rate of 22 breaths per minutes. His electrocardiogram on admission showed left ventricular hypertrophy and normal sinus rhythm. A chest X-ray showed an increased cardiothoracic ratio in association with mild pulmonary congestion. Rolziracetam Cardiac enzyme were normal, N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide was increasing with 1143 pg/mL. At initial physical examination, his acromegalic-look make to evaluate endocrine study. Results of laboratory analyses, including growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor 1, 75 g oral glucose tolerence test, thyroid-stimulating hormone, free-triiodiothyronine, free-thyroxine, were normal. His facial skin was greasy and thickening (deep frontal folds and heavy eyelids) (Fig. 1). His both hands had broad hands, clubbing of fingers, swollen interphalangeal joints and round turtle-back-shaped nails (Fig. 2). X-ray of bones showed periosteal new bone formation in the lower end of tibia, talus and calcaneus (Fig. 3).

and Coudeville is that ours assumes that people can only undergo

and Coudeville is that ours assumes that people can only undergo natural infection by up to two dengue serotypes while they assume that up to four infections are possible. Our assumption is supported by the low frequency of tertiary and quaternary infections among hospital cohorts [8] and [19] and by the broadly cross-reactive neutralizing antibody response that is maintained after secondary infection. However, whether tertiary and quaternary play some role in the transmission dynamics

of dengue is still under debate. Relaxing this assumption would remove the competition between serotypes imposed by find more our model, and in general lead to greater reductions in cumulative inhibitors incidence with the use of partially effective vaccines. Our model makes the assumption that the probability

of developing clinically apparent disease is higher in the presence of pre-existing immunity, regardless of whether this immunity is the result of natural infection or vaccination. A similar assumption is made in the model selleck products by Coudeville [22]. While in the context of natural infections it is well established that pre-existing immunity against a heterologous serotype is the main risk-factor for the development of severe disease [7], immunopathogenic effects of vaccine-induced immunity are yet to be elucidated. If heterologous vaccine induced immunity protects against infection or clinically apparent disease, the impact of partially effective vaccines will be greater than that estimated by our model. While we calibrated our transmission Oxymatrine parameters to fit the age distribution of seroprevalence and reported cases in Rayong, Thailand, current knowledge of dengue epidemiology can distinguish between

many of the scenarios that we simulated. Multiple studies have found evidence of heterogeneity [14], [31] and [32] but the extent to which heterogeneity in clinical expression, transmissibility or enhancement exists is not known. One of the main objectives of this research was to identify scenarios that could potentially result in adverse population effects after mass vaccination with partially effective vaccines, and therefore we deliberately chose to explore a wide parameter space, even if this resulted in unrealistic dynamics in some cases. There are important gaps in our understanding of serotype dynamics, cross-protection [33], enhancement and pathogenicity [34], [35] and [36]. Our results aim to represent hyperendemic areas generally, but predicting the potential impact of vaccination in any specific setting would require extensive serotype-specific longitudinal data that is only available from cohort studies. While our sensitivity analyses suggest that partially effective vaccines have the potential to be even more useful in settings with stable low transmission, better understanding of the changing epidemiology of dengue in settings of more recent re-emergence (e.g.

Microscopy analysis confirmed that Cy5-labeled pEGFP DNA was deli

Microscopy analysis confirmed that Cy5-labeled pEGFP DNA was delivered inside cells and reached the periphery of the nucleus (Figure 3(b)). The ABT-263 cost uptake efficiency of the dual pH-responsive nanoparticles by HCT116 cells was very similar to PLGA nanoparticles (Supplementary Figure3). Figure 3 Cy5-labeled DNA delivery into cells via pH-responsive nanoparticles. HCT116 cells were incubated with

pH-responsive nanoparticles containing Cy5-DNA for 0–4 hours and analyzed by flow cytometry (a) and microscopy Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (b) after 4 hours. Delivery of labeled plasmid into the cells via nanoparticles does not necessarily mean that EGFP will be expressed. To test expression and transfection efficiency, we Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical incubated HCT116 cells with DNA-containing nanoparticles for 4 hours before washing to remove excess nanoparticles and incubating cells in fresh media for 48 hours. Cells treated with the dual pH-responsive nanoparticles produced intense green fluorescence when analyzed by microscopy. In contrast, cells treated with PLGA nanoparticles containing similar amounts of pEGFP DNA produced relatively low fluorescence (Figure 4(a)). Flow cytometry analysis revealed that approximately 6% of

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the cell population treated with the dual pH-responsive nanoparticles had fluorescence intensity higher than that of nontreated cells (Figure 4(b)), compared to 2% of cells treated with PLGA-DNA nanoparticles. The percentage of EGFP positive cells correlates well with the number of Cy5-positive cells, indicating that expression efficiency is high for cells that take up the nanoparticles. Additionally, comparing the intensity of EGFP-positive cells transfected with our nanoparticles Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical or with an equal amount of DNA complexed with PEI, we show that our nanoparticles produce similar levels of

EGFP expression within transfected cells (Supplementary Figure 4). Figure 4 Expression of EGFP DNA with pH-responsive nanoparticles (NPs) compared to PLGA NPs: HCT116 cells were incubated with NPs for enough 3 hours, washed, and then incubated in media for 48 hours followed by (a) microscopy and (b) flow cytometry analysis. Immediate burst degradation and release of DNA from the dual pH-responsive nanoparticles only occurs in an environment of low pH, similar to that present in endosomes. This low pH offers the appropriate stimulus to solubilize the polymer, resulting in an accelerated degradation via ketal hydrolysis. Bafilomycin A1, an inhibitor of V-ATPase, blocks the acidification of endosomes and has been previously used to characterize the mechanism of release of pH-dependent polyplexes and nanoparticles [26]. To verify that DNA release is pH-independent, the transfection efficiency of our dual pH-responsive nanoparticles was examined in the presence of 300nM bafilomycin A1.

Conclusion These two examples highlight the limited value of the

Conclusion These two examples highlight the limited value of the currently most widely accepted diagnostic definitions of psychotic disorders for the identification of specific genetic vulnerabilities. However, there is currently no other option to the diagnosis-based linkage and association approach to localize disease genes. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical The limited validity of diagnostic definitions and their putative loose relationship

to specific genetic vulnerabilities have to be compensated for by extension of sample size. Once the first susceptibility genes have been detected, more specific genotypc-phenotype relationships can be identified.
Since their official introduction, the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10),1 and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV),2 operational classification systems have largely become an integral part of the body of knowledge Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of psychiatrists throughout Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the world and instruments

they constantly refer to. In this article I look at some of the questions that have been raised in connection with these classifications, both as a result of the growing number of critical analyses and of my own experience. This short contribution does not claim Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to provide exhaustive answers, but merely to stimulate further discussion. Psychiatrists probably all started adopting operational diagnostic classification systems, such as the ICD and DSM classifications, on the assumption that the reliability of the diagnoses therein defined was unequivocally demonstrated to be very high across the centers and even countries of evaluation, without realizing that the general consensus was based on the lowest level of validity conceivable, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical since it resulted from the mutual agreement of experts rather

than on any proven facts concerning the etiology of mental disorders. This means that in the absence of biological markers for most psychopathological disorders, diagnostic features were based on clinical descriptions, resulting in “official” nosological Cell press groupings. One of the main objections raised by clinical psychiatrists was that in many instances diagnoses were based on the numbers of certain symptoms.3 Nevertheless, in spite of initial warnings of oversimplification, the two most widely used official find more classifications – DSM and ICD – came to be largely regarded as nosologically valid by medical doctors, official institutions, and even the public at large. The interesting, but logical, paradox is that those least satisfied with these so universally acclaimed classifications are probably the psychiatrists.

In addition, these early clinical findings suggest the importance

In addition, these early clinical findings suggest the importance of initiating some type of treatment at the CHR- stage, although this is likely

to be psychosocial rather than pharmacological. Following this model, the prodromal phase might be more broadly conceptualized as having an early period and a late period, each with different treatment requirements. In the early prodromal phase, affective symptoms and negative attenuated signs are beginning to emerge and to have some impact on age-dependent Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical functioning. For example, in a large-scale retrospective study of prodromal schizophrenia conducted by Hafner and an der Heiden,63 depression and nonspecific symptoms including impairment in social functioning were evident up to 5 years before the onset of positive Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical symptoms. These findings are mirrored in follow-back studies7,64,65 and genetic high-risk studies.

16,54,66 Furthermore, level of social/role functioning attained by onset of psychosis mediated social consequences 5 years later, indicating that successful Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical intervention in the prodromal period could prevent developmental arrest in these areas.67 Medications other than APs may be most useful in treating these early phase deficits and behavioral problems. By contrast, the late prodromal phase is characterized by the development of attenuated positive symptoms that are the harbingers of psychosis. Retrospective reports indicate that although the early prodromal period of largely negative-type symptoms might last from weeks to years,28,68 there is a typically steep decline in the 6-month to 1-year period prior Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to onset.44 This suggests that APs might best be administered at the point of evident decline, as suggested by McGlashan and colleagues.44,69 Preliminary

treatment findings from the RAP program support this developmental treatment perspective. The naturalistic treatment strategy of the RAP clinic, the independent treatment arm of the RAP program, involves the following: (i) treating clinicians are independent Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of the prodromal study research team; (ii) there are no research guidelines as to treatment; (iii) clinicians are asked to prescribe medication Carnitine dehydrogenase as they would in their private practice, ie, based on best practice guidelines for treatment of symptoms; and (iv) prevention is not taken into consideration. This has generated a rich database of observed treatment data. The naturalistic treatment data collected over the early years of the RAP program has generated a consistent finding that has been repeated as the prodromal sample has continued to grow. As has been reported several times for AZD6738 ic50 patients with attenuated positive symptoms (eg, CHR+)4,5 on small, but increasing samples (with the most recent n=39), the major results are as follows: Most adolescents with prodromal symptoms are treated with either SGAPs, with ADs (involving a range of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs]), or with both.