Anamorphs reported for genus: none Literature: Cain 1956; Malloc

Anamorphs reported for genus: none. Literature: Cain 1956; Malloch and Cain 1972. Type species Phaeotrichum hystricinum Cain & M.E. Barr, Can. J. Bot. 34: 677 (1956). (Fig. 103) Fig. 103 Phaeotrichum hystricinum (from TRTC 4361,

holotype). a Superficial ascomata on host surface. Note the long and black appendages. b Part of peridium. Note the large cells in surface view. c–f Released reddish brown ascospores with hyaline end cells. Note the strongly constricted middle septum. Scale bars: a = 0.5 mm, b–f = 20 μm (Some information for the following description is from Cain 1956) Ascomata 170–280 μm diam., cleistothecial, solitary, or in small groups, superficial, with 15–20 long straight or slightly flexed, thin, black appendages evenly scattered on the surface of the ascomata, 0.5–1 mm long, 15–25 μm wide at base, click here tapering to less than 5 μm at the blunt apex, with few or without septa, globose, black, smooth (Fig. 103a). Peridium thin, carbonaceous-membraneous, 1-layered, composed of dark brown thick-walled cells of textura angularis, cells 8–16 μm diam., cell wall 0.5–1.5 μm thick (data obtained from Cain 1956) (Fig. 103b). Hamathecium not observed. Asci 42–48 × 14–17 μm, 8-spored, bitunicate form not typical, lacking fissitunicate dehiscence, broadly clavate, with a relatively

thick pedicel which is about 18 μm (data obtained from Cain 1956). Ascospores 14–16 × 4–5 μm, 4-seriate, oblong to ellipsoid, hyaline when young, turning reddish brown at maturity, 1-septate, deeply constricted at the septum, each end BMN 673 with a subhyaline and broadly rounded germ pore, smooth, readily separating into partspores PAK5 at the septum at maturity (Fig. 103c, d, e and f). Anamorph: none reported. Material examined: CANADA, EPZ015938 cost Ontario, Muskoka, Stoneleigh, on porcupine dung, 18 Aug. 1932, Cain (TRTC 4361, holotype). Note: the ascomata of the specimen are fragile and no asci could be obtained. Notes

Morphology Phaeotrichum was formally established by Cain (1956) to accommodate two new coprophilous fungi, i.e. P. hystricinum and P. circinatum Cain, and P. hystricinum was selected as the generic type. Phaeotrichum is mainly characterized by its coprophilous habitat, superficial cleistothecial ascocarps covered by long hairy appendages, reddish brown 1-septate ascospore with a broadly rounded germ pore at each end, readily breaking into partspores (Cain 1956). According to Cain (1956), Phaeotrichum possesses untypical bitunicate ascus, and the ascospore releasing is described as “simply break down and allow the contents to become free in the cavity of the ascocarp”. This ascospore releasing mechanism is considered as evolutionarily developed compared to those that “discharge the ascospores through an apical pore” (Cain 1956).

The north–south coordinate was a strong explanatory variable both

The north–south coordinate was a strong explanatory variable both for species numbers and species composition. This is not surprising because, compared to the sites north of the lake, the area around lake Mälaren is both climatically favourable (Raab and Vedin 1995) and has a high density of sites with old trees. Mälaren has been identified as a diversity hot-spot for saproxylic beetles (Ehnström and Waldén 1986), with the western part of Mälaren regarded as being especially species-rich. This was only weakly supported by the results of the present study, as the variable RT90E (west–east

coordinate) had low explanatory power. RGFP966 cost Practical implications The high conservation value of parks for saproxylic insects shown in this study is dependent on the retention of old trees. Thus, the total rejuvenation of trees, which is considered in some parks, would be fatal ARN-509 mw to the resident fauna. However, all trees will sooner or later die, or they have to be removed for safety or aesthetic reasons. If they individually and continuously are replaced when they die there will be a continuous supply of new trees growing into the ancient-tree age class which in turn means a continuous supply of suitable habitat for the saproxylic insects. On a short term a good measure is to retain trees, or parts of trees, that are cut LGK-974 chemical structure or fallen in a “tree-graveyard”

situated in a remote part of the park, where it does not conflict with the aesthetic values. Such graveyards is both a chance for insects to finalise their development and a habitat patch that can be colonised (Aulén and Franc

2008). However, compared to the management aiming at a long term continuous supply of old trees, this is of minor importance, both because its’ short term effect and because most of the valuable contributions to the graveyard emanate from the old trees. As almost all lime trees in Adenosine parks, and many lime trees in the more natural sites, were originally pollarded, they are at risk of breaking apart when the shoots from the last pollarding are allowed to grow into large trees. This was observed on several of the sites in this study. The risk of breakage is especially great in re-grown sites where the closer canopy gives less light to the trees, which in turn decreases the production of carbohydrates needed for building a stable trunk. For keeping these old trees alive it is important to continue pollarding. However, old trees that has not been managed for a long time need careful treatment when management is resumed (Slotte 1997; Wisenfield 1995). A strong reduction of the crown by cutting all large branches may be fatal. As pollarding is an expensive measure, it is important that it should only be done on sites where there is the potential to retain the associated fauna and flora, i.e. where one can forecast a continuous supply of old trees in the future. Most of the parks in the present study do have this potential due to the continuous replacement of trees that die.