The results may take JMJD2A as a potential diagnostic and therape

The results may take JMJD2A as a potential diagnostic and therapeutic target in human breast cancer.”
“Various hypotheses about the role of the anterior temporal lobe (ATL) in language processing have been proposed. One hypothesis is that it binds the semantic/conceptual properties of words, functioning as a hub for linking modality-specific conceptual properties of objects. This hypothesis predicts

that damage to ATL would give rise to impaired conceptual knowledge of all categories. A related school of hypotheses assumes that the left ATL is critical for lexical retrieval, with different sub-regions potentially important for different categories of items. We examined these hypotheses by studying a case of surgical resection of left ATL due to a low-grade glioma (LGG). Thorough language assessments find more performed four months after the operation revealed the following profile:

the patient showed intact conceptual knowledge for all categories of items tested using both accuracy and response latency measures; he suffered from name retrieval deficits for proper names (people and place names) and artifacts (including tools), but showed no name retrieval difficulties for animate things. This pattern of results challenges both target hypotheses about the role of ATL in language processing tested here. (C) 2009 Elsevier Srl. All rights reserved.”
“The genome of Rhodopirellula sallentina SM41 was sequenced Selleck Silmitasertib as a permanent draft to supplement the full genome sequence of the type strain Rhodopirellula baltica SH1(T). This isolate is part of a larger study to gain insights into the biogeography of Rhodopirellula species in European marine waters, as well as to amend the genus description of R. baltica. This genomics resource article see more is the third of a series of five publications reporting in total eight new permanent daft genomes of Rhodopirellula species. (C) 2013

Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome may require high positive endexpiratory pressure (PEEP) levels, though the optimum level remains to be established. Several clinical trials have compared high PEEP levels versus conventional PEER Overall, although high PEEP levels improve oxygenation and are safe, they do not result in a significant reduction of the mortality rates. Nevertheless, some metaanalyses have revealed 2 situations in which high PEEP may decrease mortality: When used in severe distress and when PEEP is set following the characteristics of lung mechanics. Five studies have explored this latter scenario.

This adverse drug reaction is probably common but under diagnosed

This adverse drug reaction is probably common but under diagnosed. While its outcome is generally favourable, DF generates unnecessary diagnostic procedures as well as hospitalisations or hospitalisation

learn more prolongations. Clinical presentation and biological findings are not specific. Fever is generally well tolerated but may be accompanied by general symptoms mimicking sepsis. Moderate biological disorders could be expected, including elevation or decrease in white blood cell count, eosinophilia, liver cytolysis, and increased C-reactive protein. An infection should be systematically ruled out. Clinical or biological signs of severity should question DF diagnosis. When DF is suspected, the involved drug(s) should be stopped after a reliable assessment of imputability. Antibiotics represent the most often implicated drugs. Fever disappearance after discontinuing the suspected drug is the cornerstone of DF diagnosis. Before stopping the administration of the suspected drug(s), a risk/benefit ratio

assessment is necessary. Consistently, it may be complicated to stop an antimicrobial drug when treating an infection or an immunosuppressive drug if required. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Danusertib Masson SAS on behalf of the Societe nationale francaise de medecine interne (SNFMI).”
“To investigate the effects of supplementation of mycotoxin adsorbents (MAs) in top dressing of cattle feed with respect to concentrations of urinary zearalenone (ZEN) and its metabolites, alpha-zearalenol and beta-zearalenol, Japanese Black cattle herds for breeding (2 herds) and fattening (2 herds) were provided with similar feeding conditions. Two types of MAs were tested, and the maximal recommended dose of each MAs was supplemented in the feed as a top dressing for 2 weeks. Urine samples were collected from cows (n = 6

7) on day 0 and 14. The urinary concentrations of ZEN and its metabolites were found to be variable in all herds. This might reflect significant natural ZEN contamination of the feed at the farm level. However, the urinary concentrations of ZEN and its metabolites AZD7762 inhibitor after supplementation with MAs for 2 weeks were not significantly different. Additionally, our results suggest the possibilities that supplementation of the feed with MA may affect the absorptivity of mycotoxins from the gastrointestinal tract or limit the binding of MA to mycotoxins.”
“Platycrinites is traditionally one of the more recognizable crinoids, a camerate crinoid with very few if any fixed brachials or interradials and a helically twisted column. Accordingly, many taxa have been assigned to this genus. With a better understanding of the Platycrinitidae, these characters actually unite the family Platycrinitidae rather than the genus. Further, use of different genus-diagnostic characters in Western Europe versus North America has resulted in a confused systematics for this important late Paleozoic family.

We found disparities in 2009-H1N1 vaccine uptake between Blacks a

We found disparities in 2009-H1N1 vaccine uptake between Blacks and Whites SC79 (13.8% vs 20.4%); Whites and Hispanics had similar 2009-H1N1 vaccination rates. Physician offices were the dominant location for 2009-H1N1 and seasonal influenza vaccinations, especially among minorities. Our results highlight the need for a better understanding of how communication methods and vaccine distribution strategies affect vaccine uptake within minority communities.

(Am J Public Health. 2011;101:1252-1255. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2011.300133)”
“Ketogenesis is the branch of mammalian metabolism concerned with the synthesis of ketone bodies. In this process, the small, water-soluble compounds acetoacetate, D-3-beta-hydroxybutyrate and propanone are produced by the liver in response to reduced glucose availability. Although ketone bodies are always present at a low level in healthy individuals, dietary manipulation and certain pathological conditions can increase the levels of these compounds in vivo. In some instances, such as in refractory epilepsy, high levels of ketone bodies can be beneficial-in this instance, by exerting an anticonvulsant effect. Conversely,

if the levels of ketones rise to supraphysiological levels, as can occur in diabetes mellitus, a state of ketoacidosis can occur, which has serious consequences for cellular function. More recently, research has identified a possible link between DAPT ketogenesis and free radical-mediated pathologies, highlighting the potential application of ketogenic diets to the treatment of conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. Overall, an understanding of ketone body metabolism and its links to human disease may prove to be vital in developing new regimens for the treatment of human disease.”
“Aims A family history of premature coronary artery disease (CAD) in an apparently

healthy individual conveys an increased risk of future CAD. The extent to which inducible myocardial ischaemia exists and is associated with long-term incident CAD in apparently healthy siblings of early-onset CAD patients is unknown.\n\nMethods mTOR inhibitor and results Asymptomatic siblings (n = 1287, aged 30-59 years) of patients with onset of CAD <60 years of age underwent risk factor screening and maximal graded treadmill testing with nuclear perfusion imaging, and were followed for incident CAD events for up to 25 years. Incident CAD occurred in 15.2% of siblings (68% acute coronary syndromes); mean time to first CAD event was 8.2 +/- 5.2 years. Inducible ischaemia was highly prevalent in male siblings (26.9%), and was independently associated with incident CAD. Male siblings >= 40 years of age who were low or intermediate risk by traditional risk assessment, had a prevalence of inducible ischaemia and a 10-year risk of incident CAD that were near or >= 20%.

During the 2-month follow-up period, a significant improvement of

During the 2-month follow-up period, a significant improvement of visual acuity was recorded in both cases.\n\nConclusion: CXL should be considered as a potential adjuvant therapeutic tool in patients with combined bullous keratopathy and infectious keratitis, who are resistant to traditional topical

“Contiguous ABCD1 DXS1357E deletion syndrome (CADDS) is a contiguous deletion syndrome involving the ABCD1 and DXS1357E/BAP31 genes on Xq28. Although ABCD1 is responsible for X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), its Small molecule library concentration phenotype differs from that of CADDS, which manifests with many features of Zellweger syndrome (ZS), including severe growth and developmental retardation, liver dysfunction, cholestasis and early infantile death. We report here the fourth case of CADDS, in which a boy had dysmorphic features, including a flat orbital edge, hypoplastic nose, micrognathia, inguinal hernia, micropenis, cryptorchidism and club feet, all of which are shared by ZS. The patient achieved no developmental milestones and died of pneumonia at 8 months. Biochemical studies demonstrated abnormal metabolism of very long chain fatty acids, which was higher than that seen in X-ALD. Immunocytochemistry and Western blot showed the absence of ALD protein (ALDP) despite the

presence of other peroxisomal proteins. Pathological studies disclosed a small brain with hypomyelination and secondary hypoxic-ischemic changes. Neuronal heterotopia Selleck BAY 63-2521 in the white matter and leptomeningeal glioneuronal heterotopia indicated a neuronal migration disorder. The liver showed fibrosis and cholestasis. The thymus and adrenal glands were hypoplastic. Array comparative genomic hybridization

(CGH) analysis suggested that the deletion was a genomic rearrangement in the 90-kb span starting in DXS1357E/BACP31 exon 4 and included ABCD1, PLXNB3, SRPK3, IDH3G and SSR4, ending in PDZD4 exon 8. Thus, the absence of ALDP, when combined with defects in the B-cell antigen receptor associated protein 31 (BAP31) and other factors, severely affects VLCFA metabolism on peroxisomal functions and produces ZS-like pathology.”
“The Barasertib in vivo tobacco whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), causes severe crop losses in many agricultural systems. The worst of these losses are often associated with the invasion and establishment of specific whitefly biotypes. In a comprehensive survey of biotypes present in central China between 2005 and 2007, we obtained 191 samples of B. tabaci from 19 districts in Hubei province and its surrounds. Biotypes were identified by RAPD-PCR and by sequencing the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene (mtCO1). We determined that these central Chinese haplotypes included the world’s two most invasive B. tabaci biotypes (B and Q) and two indigenous biotypes (ZHJ1 and ZHJ3). The B biotype shared >99.7% identity with other Chinese B biotypes and the Q biotype shared >99.

“BackgroundWe examined the adequacy of pharmacotherapy and

“BackgroundWe examined the adequacy of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy received by primary care patients with anxiety disorders over up to 5 years of follow-up.\n\nMethodFive hundred thirty-four primary care patients at 15 US sites, who screened positive for anxiety symptoms, were assessed for anxiety disorders. Those meeting anxiety

disorder criteria were offered participation and interviewed again at six and 12 months postintake, and yearly thereafter for up to 5 years. We utilized existing definitions of appropriate pharmacotherapy and created definitions of potentially adequate psychotherapy/cognitive-behavioral MK-8931 in vivo therapy (CBT).\n\nResultsAt intake, of 534 primary care participants with anxiety disorders, 19% reported receiving appropriate pharmacotherapy and 14% potentially adequate CBT. Overall, 28% of

participants reported receiving potentially adequate anxiety treatment, whether pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, or both. Over up to five years of follow-up, appropriate pharmacotherapy was received by 60% and potentially adequate CBT by 36% of the sample. Examined together, 69% of participants received any potentially adequate treatment during the follow-up period. Over the course of follow-up, primary care patients with MDD, panic disorder with agoraphobia, and with medicaid/medicare were more likely to receive appropriate anxiety treatment. Ethnic minority members were less likely to receive potentially adequate care.\n\nConclusionsPotentially adequate anxiety treatment was rarely PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor drugs received by primary care patients with anxiety disorders at intake. Encouragingly, rates improved over the course of the study. However, potentially adequate CBT remained much less utilized than pharmacotherapy and racial-ethnic minority members were less likely to received care, suggesting much room for improved dissemination of quality treatment.”
“The paper presents

differences in the distribution of hatching gland cells, and the location of egg envelope digestion, the significance of hatching movements, and AZD6244 the ways larvae escape from egg envelopes. A review of the literature on the hatching orientation of 34 fish species is compared. No correlation was seen between hatching orientation and egg diameter or newly hatched larva length, nor newly hatched larvae length ratio to egg diameter. Photographs of twelve freshwater species present the moment of hatching either head first or tail first. Some differences were shown in swelling between eggs incubated in commercial hatchery and developed in natural conditions, as well as possible effect of these differences on hatching.”
“Sliding friction and wear behavior of two different grain-size aluminas (average grain size = 0.6 and 2 mu m) was studied in physiological saline environment. Relationship between time and wear loss was observed.

The final analytic sample included 1,407 RNs Descriptive statist

The final analytic sample included 1,407 RNs. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the sample, analysis of variance to compare means, and chi square to compare categorical variables.\n\nFindings: RNs GW2580 manufacturer reporting higher levels of verbal abuse from nurse colleagues were more likely to be unmarried, work in a hospital setting, or work in a nonmagnet hospital. They also had lower job satisfaction, and less

organizational commitment, autonomy, and intent to stay. Lastly, they perceived their work environments unfavorably.\n\nConclusions: Data support the hypothesis that early career RNs are vulnerable to the effects of verbal abuse from nurse colleagues. Although more verbal abuse is seen in environments with unfavorable working

conditions, and RNs working in such environments tend to have less favorable work attitudes, one cannot assume causality. It is unclear if poor working conditions create an environment where verbal abuse is tolerated or if verbal abuse creates an unfavorable work environment.\n\nClinical Relevance: There is a need to develop and test evidence-based interventions to deal with the problems inherent with verbal abuse from nurse colleagues.”
“One megastigmane derivative 1, one methyl jasmonate glycoside derivative 2, and two C-28 steroids with 3 beta,5 beta-cis-dihydroxyl conformation 3 and 4, together with eight known compounds 5-12 were isolated from the 70% ethanol extract of linseed meal (Linum usitatissimum L). Structures of 1-4 were elucidated by spectroscopic methods including NMR, HRESIMS, and Mo-2(OAc)(4)-induced selleck kinase inhibitor TH-302 datasheet CD. The absolute configuration of I and 3 was determined by observing their induced circular dichroism after addition of Mo-2(OAc)(4) in DMSO. The absolute configuration of 2 was determined by NOESY experiment together with conformational analysis. The structure of 4a was corrected as 4 by an extensive analysis of its 1D and 2D NMR, in combination with the Mo-2(OAc)(4)-induced CD in DMSO. The effect of all the isolates on nitric oxide (NO) generation by stimulated macrophages was evaluated, and none of them showed

active. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Non-local ethnicity or nationality and lower English proficiency have been linked with poor performance in health professional education. This study sought to compare the relative contributions of ethnicity and English proficiency, and to do so in a context where students had not been selected via interviews or some other proxy for language proficiency. Ethnicity, citizenship, and demographic data, as well as academic performance and progress were obtained for three successive cohorts (entering in 2007, 2008 and 2009) into a three-year pharmacy programme, following a common first-year. Complete data was available for all 297 students entering via this path.

Unlike type I coronins, coronin 2A localizes to stress fibers and

Unlike type I coronins, coronin 2A localizes to stress fibers and some focal adhesions, and is excluded from the leading edge. Depletion of coronin 2A in MTLn3 cells decreases cell motility and turnover of focal adhesions. Surprisingly, 5-Fluoracil nmr none of the pathways known to regulate focal-adhesion turnover are affected by depletion of coronin 2A. Depletion of coronin 2A does, however, increase phospho-cofilin, suggesting that misregulation of cofilin might affect adhesion dynamics. Slingshot-1L, a cofilin-activating phosphatase, localizes to focal adhesions and interacts with coronin 2A. Depletion

of coronin 2A reduces cofilin activity at focal adhesions, as measured by barbed-end density and actin FRAP. In both fixed cells and live cells, cofilin localizes to the proximal end of some focal adhesions. Although expression of wild-type cofilin in coronin-2A-depleted cells has no major effect on focal-adhesion

dynamics, expression of an active mutant of cofilin bypasses the defects in cell motility and focal-adhesion disassembly. These results implicate both coronin 2A and cofilin as factors that can regulate a subset of focal-adhesion-turnover events.”
“Staphylococcus aureus is recognized worldwide as a major pathogen causing clinical or subclinical this website intramammary infections in lactating cows, sheep and goats. S. aureus produces a wide arsenal

of cell surface and extracellular proteins involved in selleck chemicals virulence. Among these are two conserved proteins with glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) activity named glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase-B (GapB) and -C (GapC). In this study, we used the S. aureus wild type strain RN6390 and its isogenic gapC mutant H330 in in vitro and in vivo studies and determined that the S. aureus GapC protein plays a role on adherence to and internalization into bovine mammary epithelial (MAC-T) cells. In addition, we found that S. aureus H330 did not caused mastitis after an experimental infection of ovine mammary glands. Together, these results show that GapC is important in the pathogenesis of S. aureus mastitis. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Whether or not mathematical operations are dependent on verbal codes in left hemisphere areas – particularly the left intraparietal sulcus – remains an issue of intense debate. Using single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation directed at horizontal and ventral regions of the left and right intraparietal sulcus, we examined disruption to reaction times in simple addition and multiplication. Results indicate that these two operations differ in the pattern of lateralization across time for the two areas studied.

Operative mortality risk was estimated statistically by the Veter

Operative mortality risk was estimated statistically by the Veterans Affairs mortality risk this website estimate and subjectively by cardiac surgeons before surgery. Observed mortality rate was 3.3% (168 deaths) at 1 month, 7.1% (360 deaths) at 1 year, and 18.5% (942 deaths) at 5 years after surgery. Physician’s risk estimate (mean [SD], 5.6% [4.4]) and statistical risk estimate (4.3% [5.1]) had modest correlation (c-index, 0.56; P<0.001). Both methods modestly overestimated operative mortality risk. Statistical risk estimate was significantly better than physician’s

risk estimate in separating patients who died from those who survived at 30 days (c-index, 0.78 versus 0.73; P=0.003), at 1 year (c-index, 0.72 versus 0.61; P<0.001), and at 5 years (c-index, 0.72 versus 0.64; P<0.001) after surgery. Physician’s risk estimate was higher than statistical

risk estimate in all subgroups except high-risk patients.\n\nConclusions In patients undergoing cardiac surgery, statistical risk estimate is a better method to predict operative and long-term mortality compared with physician’s subjective risk estimate. However, both methods modestly overestimate actual operative mortality risk.”
“MODY is mainly characterised by an early onset of diabetes and a positive family history of diabetes with an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. However, de novo mutations have been reported anecdotally. The aim of this study was to systematically revisit a large collection of MODY patients to determine the

minimum prevalence of de novo mutations in the most prevalent PLX3397 order MODY genes (i.e. GCK, HNF1A, HNF4A). Analysis of 922 patients from two national MODY centres (Slovakia and the Czech Republic) identified 150 probands (16%) who came from pedigrees that did not fulfil the criterion of two generations Selisistat research buy with diabetes but did fulfil the remaining criteria. The GCK, HNF1A and HNF4A genes were analysed by direct sequencing. Mutations in GCK, HNF1A or HNF4A genes were detected in 58 of 150 individuals. Parents of 28 probands were unavailable for further analysis, and in 19 probands the mutation was inherited from an asymptomatic parent. In 11 probands the mutations arose de novo. In our cohort of MODY patients from two national centres the de novo mutations in GCK, HNF1A and HNF4A were present in 7.3% of the 150 families without a history of diabetes and 1.2% of all of the referrals for MODY testing. This is the largest collection of de novo MODY mutations to date, and our findings indicate a much higher frequency of de novo mutations than previously assumed. Therefore, genetic testing of MODY could be considered for carefully selected individuals without a family history of diabetes.”
“In this mini review, we summarize our findings concerning brainstem neurons responsible for the postural, masseter, or pharyngeal muscle atonia observed during paradoxical sleep (PS) in freely moving cats.

“Dietary alpha-carotene is present in oranges and purple-o

“Dietary alpha-carotene is present in oranges and purple-orange carrots. Upon the central cleavage of alpha-carotene in the intestine, alpha-retinal and retinal are formed and reduced to alpha-retinol

(alpha R) and retinol. Previous reports have suggested that alpha R has 2% biopotency of all-trans-retinyl acetate due in part to its inability to bind to the retinol-binding protein. click here In the present work, we carried out three studies. Study 1 re-determined alpha R’s biopotency compared with retinol and 3,4-didehydroretinol in a growth assay. Weanling rats (n 40) were fed a vitamin A-deficient diet for 8 weeks, divided into four treatment groups (n 10/group) and orally dosed with 50nmol/d retinyl acetate (14 center dot 3 mu g retinol), alpha-retinyl acetate (143 mu g alpha R), 3,4-didehydroretinyl acetate (14 center

dot 2 mu g DR) or cottonseed oil (negative control). Supplementation was continued until the control rats exhibited deficiency signs 5 weeks after the start of supplementation. Body weights and AUC values for growth response revealed that alpha R and DR had 40-50 and 120-130% bioactivity, respectively, compared with retinol. In study 2, the influence of alpha R on liver ROH storage was investigated. The rats (n 40) received 70nmol retinyl acetate and 0, 17 CT99021 center learn more dot 5, 35 or 70nmol alpha-retinyl acetate daily for 3 weeks. Although liver retinol concentrations differed among the groups, alpha R did not appreciably interfere with retinol storage. In study 3, the accumulation and disappearance of alpha R over time and potential liver pathology were determined.

The rats (n 15) were fed 3 center dot 5 mu mol/d alpha-retinyl acetate for 21d and the groups were killed at 1-, 2- and 3-week intervals. No liver toxicity was observed. In conclusion, alpha R and didehydroretinol are more biopotent than previously reported at sustained equimolar dosing of 50nmol/d, which is an amount of retinol known to keep rats in vitamin A balance.”
“Endogenous bornavirus-like nucleoprotein (EBLN) elements are nucleotide sequences homologous to the bornavirus N gene that have been identified in animal genomes. EBLN elements are considered to have been generated through reverse transcription of bornavirus N mRNA, mainly with the aid of long interspersed element-1 (LINE-1). The genome of thirteen-lined ground squirrels (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus) contains an EBLN element, itEBLN, which is thought to have been integrated less than 8.5 million years ago (MYA). However, it was also reported that the LINE-1 activity on this lineage was lost 4-5 MYA. Here, molecular evolutionary analyses were conducted to gain insights into the integration time of itEBLN.

05) At 2 weeks, specimens in both the treated and untreated grou

05). At 2 weeks, specimens in both the treated and untreated groups exhibited similar strength; the ultimate tensile failure load was 6.0 +/- 4.0 N and 5.8 +/- 2.0 N, respectively (P>.05). At 6 weeks, the FGF-treated specimens were stronger, with an ultimate

tensile failure load of 10.2 +/- 3.1 N compared with 7.2 +/- 2.2 N in the untreated group (P=.02). At 12 weeks, the FGF-treated specimens were stronger, with an ultimate tensile failure load of 15.9 +/- 1.6 N compared with 13.2 +/- 2.0 N in the untreated group (P>.0072), and there were no significant differences in strength compared with the controls (17.8 +/- 2.6 N) (P>.05). Conclusions: The remodeling of ADM grafts placed in rat rotator cuff tendon defects was accelerated by the local administration of FGF-2.”
“Cardiomyocyte cell division and replication in mammals proceed through embryonic development and abruptly decline soon after birth. The process governing cardiomyocyte cell cycle arrest is poorly understood. Here we carry out whole-exome sequencing in an infant with evidence of persistent postnatal cardiomyocyte replication to determine the genetic risk factors. We identify compound heterozygous ALMS1 mutations in the proband, and confirm their presence in her affected sibling, one copy inherited from each heterozygous parent. Next, we recognize homozygous

or compound heterozygous truncating AG-014699 molecular weight mutations in ALMS1 in four other children with high levels of postnatal cardiomyocyte proliferation. Alms1 mRNA knockdown increases multiple markers of proliferation in cardiomyocytes, the percentage of cardiomyocytes in G2/M phases, and the number of cardiomyocytes by 10% in cultured cells. Homozygous Alms1-mutant mice have increased cardiomyocyte proliferation click here at 2 weeks postnatal compared with wild-type littermates.

We conclude that deficiency of Alstrom protein impairs postnatal cardiomyocyte cell cycle arrest.”
“For a primary active pump, such as the human ATP-binding-cassette (ABC) transporter ABCB1, coupling of drug-binding by the two transmembrane domains (TMDs) to the ATP catalytic cycle of the two nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) is fundamental to the transport mechanism, but is poorly understood at the biochemical level. Structure data suggest that signals are transduced through intracellular loops of the TMDs that slot into grooves on the NBDs. At the base of these grooves is the Q loop. We therefore mutated the eponymous glutamine in one or both NBD Q loops and measured the effect on conformation and function by using a conformation-sensitive antibody (UIC2) and a fluorescent drug (Bodipy-verapamil), respectively. We showed that the double mutant is trapped in the inward-open state, which binds the drug, but cannot couple to the ATPase cycle. Our data also describe marked redundancy within the transport mechanism, because single-Q-loop mutants are functional for Bodipy-verapamil transport.